IoT Design Deck


The IoT Design Deck is a method to help multidisciplinary teams to co-design connected objects and ominchannel services.

Its main objectives are:

  • to create a common language and a common knowledge base to help multidisciplinary teams to work together, also with the involvement of users and stakeholders;
  • to help the team to focus on UX aspects rather than on technological ones;
  • to discover and use the potential of the IoT and to take into account its threats;
  • to have a service oriented approach rather than a device centrical one;
  • to accelerate the design process.

The method could be used for the design of “real” projects but also for exploring and teach how to design the UX for a connected product.
It is composed by several decks of cards and “boards”, used to organize cards and concepts. The method follows a design process that mixes the use of cards and boards with common techniques and methods for user research, idea generation and sorting, testing and prototyping, to guide the team from the first idea to the prototype.
For more info and to download the demo visit